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24 Comments on “ardaas”

  • Sukhdev Singh Minhas

    “Our holy Spiritual Prophets said they will give us great religion;
    God will blessing and give our religion great name SIKHISM;
    And SIKHISM shall be blessing.”
    Big assignment require big character. God gives us a responsibility in proportion to the size of our character. Earlier in the time of our Spiritual Prophets, a person’s name represented his character; to someone’s was to know what the person was like. That’s why God sent the different spiritual Prophets and changed the name of some when God transformed God’s character. For example, the God wanted to bless all the nations of the earth through the teachings of holy book spiritual hymns. So when our character come too weak for such a great task. Our holy book spiritual hymns teachings us and God would make us great so that God could make us a blessing to our future generations. Now and then since fourteen century, God developed our character to match the name “KHALSA” which is holy spiritual Prophet “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” gifted us.
    God sees our life from our eternal perspective. Lord will take whatever time is necessary to grow up our character to match God’s assignment for us. If we have not received a divine commission lately, it may be that our character needs maturing.
    Are we impatient to begin our work before God refined our character? A small character will fail in a large responsibility every time. So we don’t be too hasty to get to the work. Character -building can be long and painful.
    It took estimate and about two hundred thirty six years before God entrusted SIKHISM tenth Successor “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” with his four sons and his father and mother and other followers and set in motion the establishment of the holy Sikhism homeland PUNJAB INDIA. Yet God is true to holy spiritual hymns teachings and thousands years later people continue to be blessed by the account of our tenth successor life and by OUR EVERLAST LAST PROPHET “SRI GURU GRANTH SAMHIB JI” GIFTED US tenth successor by descendant our first successor “SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI” and others authors.
    How is God building our character? Do sense God has a task for us that will require a for greater man or woman then we presently are? Will we yield to God as he works in our life to prepare us for our next assignment.
    Sukhdev Singh Minhas,

  • Sukhdev Singh Minhas

    “Our holy Spiritual Prophets said they will give us great religion;
    God will blessing and give our religion great name SIKHISM;
    And SIKHISM shall be blessing.”
    Big assignment require big character. God gives us a responsibility in proportion to the size of our character. Earlier in the time of our Spiritual Prophets, a person’s name represented his character; to someone’s was to know what the person was like. That’s why God sent the different spiritual Prophets and changed the name of some when God transformed God’s character. For example, the God wanted to bless all the nations of the earth through the teachings of holy book spiritual hymns. So when our character come too weak for such a great task. Our holy book spiritual hymns teachings us and God would make us great so that God could make us a blessing to our future generations. Now and then since fourteen century, God developed our character to match the name “KHALSA” which is holy spiritual Prophet “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” gifted us.
    God sees our life from our eternal perspective. Lord will take whatever time is necessary to grow up our character to match God’s assignment for us. If we have not received a divine commission lately, it may be that our character needs maturing.
    Are we impatient to begin our work before God refined our character? A small character will fail in a large responsibility every time. So we don’t be too hasty to get to the work. Character -building can be long and painful.
    It took estimate and about two hundred thirty six years before God entrusted SIKHISM tenth Successor “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” with his four sons and his father and mother and other followers and set in motion the establishment of the holy Sikhism homeland PUNJAB INDIA. Yet God is true to holy spiritual hymns teachings and thousands years later people continue to be blessed by the account of our tenth successor life and by OUR EVERLAST LAST PROPHET “SRI GURU GRANTH SAMHIB JI” GIFTED US tenth successor by descendant our first successor “SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI” and others authors.
    How is God building our character? Do sense God has a task for us that will require a for greater man or woman then we presently are? Will we yield to God as he works in our life to prepare us for our next assignment.
    Sukhdev Singh Minhas,

    “Our holy Spiritual Prophets said they will give us great religion;
    God will blessing and give our religion great name SIKHISM;
    And SIKHISM shall be blessing.”
    Big assignment require big character. God gives us a responsibility in proportion to the size of our character. Earlier in the time of our Spiritual Prophets, a person’s name represented his character; to someone’s was to know what the person was like. That’s why God sent the different spiritual Prophets and changed the name of some when God transformed God’s character. For example, the God wanted to bless all the nations of the earth through the teachings of holy book spiritual hymns. So when our character come too weak for such a great task. Our holy book spiritual hymns teachings us and God would make us great so that God could make us a blessing to our future generations. Now and then since fourteen century, God developed our character to match the name “KHALSA” which is holy spiritual Prophet “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” gifted us.
    God sees our life from our eternal perspective. Lord will take whatever time is necessary to grow up our character to match God’s assignment for us. If we have not received a divine commission lately, it may be that our character needs maturing.
    Are we impatient to begin our work before God refined our character? A small character will fail in a large responsibility every time. So we don’t be too hasty to get to the work. Character -building can be long and painful.
    It took estimate and about two hundred thirty six years before God entrusted SIKHISM tenth Successor “SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH JI” with his four sons and his father and mother and other followers and set in motion the establishment of the holy Sikhism homeland PUNJAB INDIA. Yet God is true to holy spiritual hymns teachings and thousands years later people continue to be blessed by the account of our tenth successor life and by OUR EVERLAST LAST PROPHET “SRI GURU GRANTH SAMHIB JI” GIFTED US tenth successor by descendant our first successor “SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI” and others authors.
    How is God building our character? Do sense God has a task for us that will require a for greater man or woman then we presently are? Will we yield to God as he works in our life to prepare us for our next assignment.
    Sukhdev Singh Minhas,

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